30 August 2024: Appeal Dismissed
2 April 2024: Dorney Parish Council sent a comprehensive 129 page Submission to The Planning Inspectorate recommending that the appeal be dismissed.
Dorney Parish Council Submission
Bucks Council also made a Submission, recommending dismissal of the appeal.
28 February 2024: Eton College appealed the refusal decision:
Reference: APP/N0410/W/23/3335905
25 July 2023: Eton College’s Planning Application for 12 houses refused by South Area Planning Committee
This planning application was refused on a 6-1 vote.
The main reasons for refusal were that the application was in breach of Green Belt and the Boveney Conservation Area Appraisal. See Decision link below for details.
Dorney Parish Council and the Dorney History Group put forward strong written and oral evidence why this Appraisal (not considered by the Planning Department) was an existing, relevant legal document and was a “material planning consideration”, even though it was 27 years old.
Details of the process are in the following documents:
- Report from Planning Department to Planning Committee 14 July 2023:
- Planning Department Update produced at start of Committee Meeting:
- Dorney Parish Council Submission to Committee, emailed to all members on 22 July 2023
- Address to Planning Committee by Jill Dax, Chair, Dorney Parish Council (DPC):
- Address to Planning Committee by Objector, Bill Dax, Dorney History Group (DHG):
- Decision by Planning Committee – Refuse: