18 April 2024: Email to Cllr. Robert Stopford from Bucks Council regarding the consultation on the proposed Boundary change:
The online consultation for the Burnham and Dorney parish boundary Community Governance Review will go live on 7 May and close on 16 June.
The webpage for the review has been updated and there is now a friendly URL to access this: www.buckinghamshire.gov.uk/burnham-dorney-boundary which you may wish to use to promote the consultation.
I’ll be in touch again once the consultation has closed and the Standards & General Purposes Committee have considered the responses to the consultation.
Dorney Parish Council Minutes: 20 June 2023 76 To discuss the Community Governance Review on Parish Boundaries
Cllr. Stopford will be submitting a request for review as a resident to push the boundary from Roundmoor Ditch to the M4. It was agreed that should Buckinghamshire agree to the review, Dorney Parish Council will support. [If approved, this will move the Orchard Herbs site and the balance of Lake End from Burnham Parish into Dorney Parish]