Slough Treatment Works Outfall

Slough Treatment Works Outfall

31 January 2022 – Councillors Jill Dax and Robert Stopford attended a tour of the treatment works on 10th December.

The question of why the planned works are not taking the seemingly easier route of diverting water to the Jubilee river was answered, the improvement works have to be completed by March 2024 to avoid financial penalties and if new planning/licence applications were to be made to use the Jubilee, the work would not be completed in time.

The Environmental Impact Report for the works can be viewed at


Dorney Parish Council Meeting: 19 October 2021:

Local residents should be receiving a letter explaining the plans from Thames Water this week. The plan is to put in a pipeline from the Treatment works under Roundmoor Ditch and Dorney Common leading excess water to the Thames. Cllr. Dax, Cllr. Westcott-Wreford and Cllr. Stopford attended a zoom presentation on the project and it was agreed that the Clerk will write to Thames Water for explanations on; why the pipeline across the land to the Thames and not to the Jubilee River which is much closer and what will their plan be for the heavy works traffic and machinery in and out of Dorney and Security on the Common.

The Parish Council do acknowledge the need for the upgrade to the Works due to rising population.