Residents Invite Would like to invite all Dorney residents, community groups and businesses to THE ANNUAL PARISH MEETING OF DORNEY ON 15 TH MAY 2024, 7.30PM @ THE BOATHOUSE, DORNEY...
Neighbourhood Plan Presentation – All Residents Invited
Residents of Dorney, please come along to the Neighbourhood Plan Presentation: THURSDAY 12th OCTOBER 7-9pm DORNEY SCHOOL...
Thames Valley Neighbourhood Police Report
Here is the latest report from our local PCSO Ange O'Connell: Thames Valley Neighbourhood Police’s Report Burglaries This month we have had an increase in burglaries from three in Farnham...
Dorney and District Horticultural Society Annual Show
Please click on this link: Dorney Horticultural Society for the Horticultural Society Annual Show...
Anti Social Behaviour
PCSO Angela O'Connell and the Anti Social Behaviour Team at Buckinghamshire Council are working together to try and stop the problem of youths riding around the footpaths, alleys and tow paths in...