
Website Management Policy 2021

Policies Uploaded on July 21, 2021

DPC 2021 Website Management Policy

Dorney Parish Council

Website Management Policy – adopted 20th July 2021

 The responsibility of managing the information on the website will depend, in part, on the WordPress skills of the new Parish Clerk, the time the Clerk has available for such updates and the time available either by councillors or volunteers (at no cost).

Clearly, all information that is to be uploaded to the website must be approved by the Clerk, no matter who uploads it.

A Parish Council website has two main functions:

  1. To communicate all of the legally required information as indicated in the Transparency Code for smaller authorities 2014. In simple terms, this includes Agendas, Minutes and designated financial information. (Details in Appendix A).
    1. This information is under Minutes/Finance/Policies and Council Members on the new website.
  2. Secondly, if the Parish Council wishes, to communicate other information relating to the Parish which is not legally required – but is helpful.
    1. This information is included under all of the other Menu tabs on the new website.

 Clerk:                                       Ms. Ruth Senior

Councillor responsible:   Martyn Wescott-Wreford

Webmaster:                           Bill Dax


Menu Pages & Sub Pages Updates Required Responsible
Home None Clerk or Webmaster
News Monthly after Meetings Clerk or Webmaster
Notices As required Clerk or Webmaster
Dorney Parish Council None unless govt. indicates changes Clerk or Webmaster
Dorney Parish Map None Clerk or Webmaster
Role of Dorney Parish Council None unless govt. indicates changes Clerk or Webmaster
Constitutional Documents When required Clerk
Beeches Community Board None unless govt. indicates changes Clerk or Webmaster
Bucks Council None unless govt. indicates changes Clerk or Webmaster
Member of Parliament – Beaconsfield None unless govt. indicates changes Clerk or Webmaster
Annual Parish Meeting None unless govt. indicates changes Clerk or Webmaster
Agendas Monthly, 3 clear working days before Meetings Clerk
Monthly Parish Council Minutes Monthly, <28 days after Meetings Clerk
Finance Committee Minutes <28 days after Meetings Clerk
Financial Reports Annually, <30 days after publication Clerk
Annual Parish Meeting Minutes Annually, but realistically <28 days after meeting Clerk
Policies As required, including after annual review at May Annual Meeting of Parish Council Clerk
Councillor Members None unless Councillor Change or Responsibility Change Clerk or Webmaster
Councillor Vacancies As required, depending on Vacancy(ies) Clerk or Webmaster
Planning Monthly Listing with DPC comments after Meeting Clerk or Webmaster
Parish Plan When new Plan in preparation/completed Clerk or Webmaster
Emergency Plan When new Plan in preparation/completed Clerk or Webmaster
Local Issues As required and after Meetings Clerk or Webmaster
Parish Groundsman None Clerk or Webmaster
Gallery None Clerk or Webmaster
Dorney Today Every 6 months Clerk or Webmaster
Historic Dorney Every 6 months Clerk or Webmaster
Contact Us None Clerk or Webmaster
Your Email Sign Up None Clerk or Webmaster
Report a Problem As required Clerk or Webmaster







Appendix A: Transparency Code for Smaller Authorities

Parish councils, internal drainage boards, charter trustees and port health authorities with an annual turnover not exceeding £25,000 should publish:


Information title Information which should be published
All items of expenditure above


Annual publication no later than 1 July in the year immediately following the accounting year to which it relates. Publish details of each individual item of expenditure.

Copies of all books, deeds, contracts, bills, vouchers, receipts and other related documents do not need to be published but should remain available for inspection.

For each individual item of expenditure the following information must be published:

a.      date the expenditure was incurred,

b.      summary of the purpose of the expenditure,

c.      amount, and

d.      Value Added Tax that cannot be recovered.

End of year accounts Annual publication no later than 1 July in the year immediately following the accounting year to which it relates. Publish signed statement of accounts according to the format included in the Annual Return form. It should be accompanied by:

a.     a copy of the bank reconciliation for the relevant financial year,

b.     an explanation of any significant variances (e.g. more than 10-15 percent) in the statement of accounts for the relevant year and previous year, and

c.     an explanation of any differences between ‘balances carried forward’ and ‘total cash and short term investments’, if applicable.

Annual governance statement Annual publication no later than 1 July in the year immediately following the accounting year to which it relates. Publish signed annual governance statement according to the format included in the Annual Return form.

Explain any negative responses to governance statements, including how any weaknesses will be addressed.

Internal audit report Annual publication no later than 1 July in the year immediately following the accounting year to which it relates. Publish signed internal audit report according to the format included in the Annual Return form.

Explain any negative response to the internal controls objectives, including how any weaknesses will be addressed. Explain any ‘not covered’ responses to internal controls objectives.

List of councillor or member responsibilities Annual publication of councillor or member responsibilities no later than 1 July in the year immediately following the accounting year to which it relates, including:

a)       names of all councillors or members,

b)       committee or board membership and function (if Chairman or Vice-Chairman), and

c)       representation on external local public bodies

(if nominated to represent the authority or board).

Location of public land and building assets Annual publication no later than 1 July in the year immediately following the accounting year to which it relates. Parish councils and port health authorities to publish details of all public land and building assets – either in its full asset and liabilities register or as an edited version.

Internal drainage boards to only publish details of registered land and buildings that have a market value and appear in Fixed Assets Register.

The following information must be published:

a)       description (what it is, including size/acreage),

b)       location (address7 or description of location),

c)       owner / custodian, e.g. the authority manages the land or asset on behalf of a local charity,

d)       date of acquisition (if known),

e)       cost of acquisition (or proxy value), and

f)         present use.

Minutes, agendas and papers of formal meetings Publication of draft minutes from all formal meetings not later than one month after the meeting has taken place.


Publication of meeting agendas and associated meeting papers not later than three clear days before the meeting to which they relate is taking place.