Cllr. Jill Dax (Chair) Cllr. Martyn Westcott-Wreford
Cllr. Euan MacLennan Cllr. Stephen Baker (joined on ZOOM)
Cllr. Robert Stopford (joined on ZOOM) Cllr. Anna Palmer (joined on ZOOM)
Ms Ruth Senior (Parish Clerk) and nine members of the public (including seven via zoom)
Open Forum
Alice Foxley reported a light out on Village Road outside The Gatehouse which will be reported to the streetlight contractor and also asked about the repair/replacement of the street furniture at the Court Lane junction. It was confirmed that this is on Highways Bucks list of jobs to complete and is being regularly chased. There was also mention of another accident at the Court Lane T junction but there has been no official reporting of any accidents since the junction reverted back.
David Pugh visited from the Boveney Court Farm development, they are holding an exhibition on Saturday 20th November for residents to view the plan.
PC/59/21 Apologies for absence
County Cllr. Paul Kelly County Cllr. George Sandy
PC/60/21 To confirm the minutes of the Meeting held on 19th October 2021
These were approved with no amendments required and signed by the Chairman.
There were no matters arising.
PC/61/21 Co-option of councillor
No candidate has come forward. The available position will continue to be advertised in the Dorney Parish News.
PC/62/21 Items of business carried forward
- The Orchard Herbs Site
Cllr. Stopford updated on the clearance of the site, which is progressing and the hotel plans which are still awaiting a report from Highways Bucks. It was agreed that the Clerk will ask for an update on the Certificate of Lawfulness.
62.2 M4 Smart Motorway
Nick Cooper and Jim Stacey joined on ZOOM to update on the M4 project.
The project is expected to be completed in Spring 2022. New technology for speed restrictions is being tested between junctions 8/9 to 12. The Marsh Lane bridge works are being completed this week and Lake End Rd bridge works should go ahead in January with a 7 day closure expected. The Oak Stubbs Lane retaining wall works are in progress with completion by end of Jan 2022 along with the noise reduction fencing.
62.3 The Emergency Plan
An outline of the emergency Plan has been circulated, the team are planning to add plans for vulnerable people in the area. A form for residents to complete if they have any relevant skills or equipment will soon be available on the Dorney Parish Council website. The Chair thanked the team for their hard work on preparing the plan so thoroughly.
PC/63/21 Planning
Current planning applications for Dorney:
Reference: PL/21/3719/FA
Application type: Full Planning Permission
Location: 16 Harcourt Road, Dorney Reach, Buckinghamshire, SL6 0DU,
Proposal: Demolition of existing home and erection of detached dwelling with integral garage
and extended vehicular access
Reference: PL/21/4147/FA
Application type: Full Planning Permission
Location: 2 Harcourt Close, Dorney Reach, Buckinghamshire, SL6 0DY
Proposal: Single storey rear and side extensions
Reference: PL/21/4155/KA
Application type: Notification of proposed works to trees in a conservation area
Location: The Bungalow, Boveney Court, Boveney Road, Dorney, Buckinghamshire, SL4 6QD,
Proposal: 5 x Fir trees – Fell, 8 x Fir trees to be reduced by 50% (Boveney Conservation Area)
Reference: PL/21/4181/FA
Application type: Full Planning Permission
Location: Little Pippins, Ashford Lane, Dorney, Buckinghamshire, SL4 6QU,
Proposal: First floor side extension, raising of roof with 2 side rooflights, front porch and
changes to doors and windows following planning permission PL/21/1176/PAHAS
Reference: PL/21/4318/KA
Application type: Notification of proposed works to trees in a conservation area
Location: The Old Place Cottage, Lock Path, Dorney, Buckinghamshire, SL4 6QQ,
Proposal: Ash T1 – Fell, Cherry T2 – Fell, Sycamore – Reduce to previous pruning point, Apple
T4 – Fell, Sycamore T5 – Crown rise to 5m from ground level, Sycamore T6 – Reduce
to previous pruning point. (Boveney Conservation Area)
PC/64/21 Finance – To agree/ratify expenditure and income to date
The cashbook was circulated prior to the meeting and approved.
The Finance meeting will take place on 18th January 2022 at 6.30pm before the Parish Council meeting.
PC/65/21 To discuss the Dorney Playground Management Group resignation letter from Leanne Kittel
The Chair explained how the playground was originally set up as a Charity and the Parish Council’s limited involvement at the time. It was agreed that the Clerk will write to Leanne Kittel on behalf of the Parish Council to highlight the due process of the future of the Charity along with the background of the playground and their responsibilities for it.
The Parish Council would like to wish them well in taking the Charity forward.
PC/66/21 To discuss the upgrade of the Slough Treatment Works and the impact on Dorney
Cllr. Jill Dax and Cllr. Robert Stopford are attending a tour of the Slough Treatment Works on 10th December and will update in the January meeting.
PC/67/21 To discuss the Queen’s Green Canopy project
Cllr. Palmer updated us on the project to plant seven trees at different locations around the village in celebration of the Queen’s Jubilee, each tree will be a different variety and they have been fully funded by local companies:
- Eton Rowing Lake
- Smits
- Form Plants
- Crocus
- Palmer Arms & Pineapple
- Dorney Court
- Maydencroft
The plan is to plant the trees in January.
It was agreed that the Clerk will contact Buckinghamshire for agreement on planting locations.
PC/68/21 To discuss the invitation from Eton College to the drop in sessions for Boveney Court Farm planning
There will be an exhibition in the Lake View Room at Dorney Lake on Saturday 20th November from 10am-1pm to show the proposal for 13 new homes on the Boveney Court Farm site. It was agreed that the Clerk will ask that the exhibition is available for public to view online after Saturday.
PC/69/21 To update on the Thames Water on rewilding/tree planting
There is no further update. As soon as the Parish Council has a confirmed date from Rebecca Elliot, we will put the details on the website.
PC/70/21 To discuss the suggestion of a monthly newsletter
It was agreed that Dorney Parish Council will not produce their own newsletter as Dorney already has Dorney Parish News, a fully comprehensive and informative newsletter covering all aspects of the village. It was agreed that the Parish Council will continue to provide an update on our news for Dorney Parish News along with the meeting minutes. The Chair thanked Dorney Parish News for their continued support.
PC/71/21 To consider any complaints/comments from residents
There were none to report.
PC/72/21 To review any matters relating to the Groundsman/Maintenance
The Chair confirmed that John Farrell has officially handed in his resignation and will be retiring after 12 years of village maintenance. He has looked after the Parish brilliantly and will be enormously missed. The Parish Council would like to thank both John and his wife Kathy for their hard work.
The Parish Council is now seeking quotes for a replacement and have approached Maydencroft, RJC Landscapes and Clarke’s Gardening Services. Should anyone be interested in providing a quote, please contact the Clerk for full information.
It was agreed that in the meantime, a winter clear of leaves and final grass cut of the year will take place as soon as possible.
PC/73/21 Items to consider for discussion at the next meeting on 18th January 2022
Speeding/traffic issues
New/replacement Mobile Vehicle Activated Signs
Cattle Grid
Meeting ended at 8.30pm
Chairman …………………………………………………… Date ………………………………….