Minutes of the Dorney Parish VIRTUAL Meeting of the Council
on Tuesday 9
th March 2021 at 8 pm
Present: – Councillors K Harris (Chairman), A Purdie, A Foxley, J Dax, R Ormond and
C Stoughton.
In Attendance: – Buckinghamshire Council Cllrs Dev Dhillon, D Pepler and G Sandy,
Mr Bowman (Dorney Village Pump), 13 Members of the Public and Sue Moffat (Clerk).
As Chairman, Cllr Harris changed the order of the agenda and moved agenda item 7 to the beginning
of the meeting:-
166 Updates on the new Roundabout at Lake End Road
The Clerk read a statement to clarify the process undertaken by Dorney Parish Council and the decision
makers regards the installation of a new roundabout at Lake End Road:-
In the meeting of June 2020, the Parish Council made a formal decision to collaborate with the community
and Bucks Council for the installation of a roundabout at the junction of Court Lane/Lake End
Road/Village Road.
In July Cllr Dev Dhillon suggested getting a petition together in support of a roundabout. Subsequently he
suggested that at least one hundred names should be in favour.
By the middle of August more than 500 hundred votes in favour had been registered and the final result
was 550.
At the Dorney Parish Council’s September meeting, Cllr Dev Dhillon confirmed he had been given the go
ahead by Bucks Council for the installation of the roundabout. He confirmed that he will make the
Beeches Community Board aware of this project.
On 18th November 2020 the Beeches Community Board approved the application for funding “to improve
road safety at the junction of Court Lane/Lake End Road/Village Road in Dorney, by replacing the
staggered junction with a roundabout. They stated that “this project would improve road safety in this
location, which would align with the Community Board’s priority for Infrastructure and Highways.”
Dorney Parish Council recommended the change of junction on the basis of road safety and traffic calming
to Bucks Council. Bucks Council requested a petition. A petition was submitted with 550 votes in
support. Beeches Community Board approved the funding. Bucks Council are proceeding with the
Due process was followed. This decision is final so there is no longer any opportunity for further
discussion. Therefore, it is not appropriate for any Councillor or Member of public to raise further issues
over the roundabout during the public part of the meeting.
This statement will be published on the web site under ‘Local Issues’.
Cllr Dev Dhillon reported: – (i) Bucks Council is increasing the rates for 2021-22 by 3.9% (2% of the
increase is for Adult and Social Care); (ii) He has a meeting scheduled with the Local Area Technician
(LAT) to discuss the resurfacing of Marsh Lane. Any damage caused by the Smartmotorway work should be
put right by Highways England. He is also lobbying for Lake End Road, Marsh Lane and Court Lane to be
resurfaced under the Capital road repairs budget. He has left this information with Cllr George Sandy and the
Highways Officer as he will no longer be representing Dorney after the May elections; (iii) At the next
meeting, Bucks councillors will be in Purdah. He will be attending Dorney Parish Council meetings in the
future as he has made many friends in Dorney during the years he has represented Dorney.
It was pointed out to Cllr Dev Dhillon that there has been a build-up of detritus along the kerbs at Lake End
Road particularly by the sharp bend by Sainsburys, and this is causing flooding. Cllr Dev Dhillon will point
this out at his meeting with the LAT.
Cllr G Sandy reported:- (i) He has already raised concerns about flooding with the LAT. Bucks Council
have allocated £6m for gulley clearance in 2021-22 so this should reduce the amount of blocked drains; (ii)
The Planning application for Challons Chicken Farm development has been refused on Green Belt grounds.
This is important for Dorney as now a precedence has been set; (iii) Orchard Herbs Farm – Still waiting to
hear from the Enforcement Officer; (iii) Bucks Council have agreed a 3.9% increase in rates. The
Governments maximum allowance is 5% so Bucks Council have done well to keep it to 3.9%; (iii) Taplow
parking scheme, which will affect Marsh Lane, has been pushed back to the 22/23 budget.
Cllr Ormond pointed out that for a Band D it is £69.40 for Dorney and 26.83 for Taplow. However Dorney
PC has no other income other than the precept unlike other parish councils that may manage Village Halls.
Cllr Sandy was pleased to receive this information as he did not realise the Village Hall was not owned by
Dorney PC.
PCSO O’Connor has sent in a written report that TVPA have applied for a Clearway in Marsh Lane. Cllr
Purdie does not believe this has gone through the due consultation process yet as Dorney PC nor the Church
have been contacted. Cllr Dev Dhillon will bring this to the attention of the Highways Officer.
Members of the Public raised concern that they did not have an opportunity to speak about the new
roundabout. A Freedom of Information Request has been sent to the Clerk regards the petition. The Clerk
acknowledged this. However, as previously stated, Dorney PC has carried out discussion on this issue for
many years, made a decision at June 2020 Council meeting to agree a roundabout and carried out a public
consultation. It is supported by Bucks Council and all this information will be published on the web site.
Cllr Sandy responded that the set procedures for Bucks Council and those for Dorney PC have all been
carried out correctly and a proper consultation has taken place before the roundabout was agreed. As with
any democracy different opinions can be voiced but he is sure the majority of residents want the roundabout.
A roundabout would be safer, prevent accidents and once the dust settles he is sure everyone will be happy.
Cllr Pepler reported: – He did not have much to add except:- (i) He has been asked at a Planning briefing if
there are any Brownfield sites in Dorney? Please let him know if there are any; (ii) He is concerned about the
parking situation in Court Lane and one suggestion is that the car park at the Jubilee River is inadequate. Cllr
Purdie responded that he believes the Environment Agency are unwilling to increase the size of this car park.
Concern was raised by the public regards cars parking along Lake End Rd particularly outside the Pineapple
PH. This also affects cyclists when car doors are opened.
A question was raised about whether the Clearway and double yellow lines will resolve the problem in Court
Lane. Cllr Foxley responded that this is questionable as there is also the issue for parking for those attending
the Church. James Palmer has offered a field for additional parking, but this will increase urbanisation of the
area although grass creting can be used. However, there is still the problem as to how the car park will be
manned. Cllr Harris added that the parking situation may improve if the Eton Rowing Lake is closed. It was
agreed for James Palmer, Lucy Feagon Earl and Cllr Foxley to have a discussion on this .
Martin Westcott asked to have a meeting with Cllr Harris regards the number of dog bins available.
Lastly Cllr Harris confirmed again that all documentation on the history and plans for the proposed
roundabout will be available on Dorney PC’s web site.
M4 Smartmotorway – Matt Orchard sent in a written report:- Marsh Lane – On hold at the moment while
some issues with tie-in levels on the north of the bridge are resolved, temporary traffic lights have been
removed. Works expected to resume in April. Temporary traffic lights will be needed again for the final
finishing of the bridge and its approaches to.Lake End / Court Lane roundabout. General Arrangement
drawing received from Bucks. Still not enough detail to allow pricing and then construction.
168Apologies- Cllr P Smith, Matt Orchard (Balfour Beatty), Jim Stacey (Highways England).
169Disclosure of interests – None.
170Resolved to receive and approve the minutes of the previous Council meeting held on the 9
th February, 2021.
171Clerks Report – (i) Elections will take place on 6th May 2021 and a hard copy of the election pack is available
on request; (ii) Need to decide if Dorney PC wants to hold the AGM this year. No AGM was held last year
due to the Covid pandemic. A face to face meeting will still not be allowed in April, 2021 due to Covid
restrictions. There is no legal requirement to have an AGM; (iii) Just to note that the agenda states under
Public Participation, ‘Each person speaking will usually be limited to 3 minutes. Duration of this part of the
meeting usually to be no longer than 15 minutes’.
172Chairman’s Report – None as all included in the agenda.
173Eton Lake car park – Cllr Harris has been in contact with the Manager of Eton Lake and the Lake will be
shut until further notice. It will only be opened for events and these are advertised on the web site.
174Update on Roundmoor Ditch from Cllr Dax – Cllr Dax had nothing further to report accept the work
recently been carried out by the EA has made an improvement to those residents where there was the threat
of flooding.
175Update on the Emergency Plan from Cllr Smith. Cllr Smith has reported that he has been in discussion
with Thea Pine and now waiting for further support.
176Cllr Foxley to report on Web Support or Outsourcing. Cllr Foxley has been in contact with 3 web site
companies. She will write a report on this for the next Council meeting. Cllr Stoughton added that he was
concerned about the offensive comments made by residents to parish councillors on Nextdoor. It was agreed
to ask Nextdoor to tone down comments so less aggressive.
177Dorney Parish Council’s procedure for recording Council meetings – BALC’s advice is:-
Meetings can be videoed by either the Council or public. If the public are videoing the meeting they should
make this known at the beginning of the meeting and are not allowed to add comments to the recording during
the meeting. The meeting attendees should be advised that the meeting is being recorded at the start of the
meeting. If the Parish Council is videoing the meeting, following the production of the minutes the recording
will be destroyed. The recording is only to assist the clerk to write up the minutes so once the minutes have
been produced the copy of the video is then deleted.
(i) Resolved to note planning issues, decisions and appeals recently notified by South Bucks Planning.
(ii) Resolved to make comments upon applications – (as circulated).
a) Resolved to authorise payment of Accounts for March 2021 (as circulated).
b) Received the list of income for March 2021 (as circulated).
c) Received recent bank statements.
d) Cllr Ormond reported that there is spare capacity in the budget (£3k in salaries and £2k contingency fund
for planning consultant) for web site support.
e) Cllr Ormond asked for an agenda item for the next meeting to be’ Statement for Repayments to Dorney
Village Hall for 2021-22’ as he will not be standing for parish councillor at the May elections he would like it
recorded for new councillors exactly what has taken place.
180 Member’s Reports – None.
181 Correspondence: – (i) Your quarterly update from the Beeches Community Board; (ii) Response from Joan
Wraight to the last parish council meeting; (iii) Public Service Infrastructure and Permitted Development
Consultation response from Buckinghamshire Council; (iv) Buckinghamshire Council Election Information;
(v) Taplows response to Hollands Farm Planning application; (vi) Update: Jubilee River, Black Potts weir
repairs, February 2021.
182Resolve any complaints/comments received from residents:- (i) Installation of Court Lane roundabout;
(ii) Parking outside Eton Rowing Lake; (iii) Lack of election publicity.
183Grounds Maintenance and Highway employee/work. The groundsman has returned to work. Cllr Harris is
organising the annual service for the tractor.
Date of next meeting – Council meeting at 8pm on Tuesday 13th April 2021 to be conducted remotely.