Minutes of the Dorney Parish VIRTUAL Meeting of the Council
held at the Dorney Village Hall on Tuesday 9th June 2020 at 8 pm
Present:- Councillors K Harris (Chairman), A Purdie , A Foxley, J Dax, R Ormond, P Smith and
C Stoughton.
In Attendance:- Buckinghamshire Council Cllr Dev Dhillon, Buckinghamshire Council Cllr D Pepler, Mr
Bowman (Dorney Village Pump), 121 Members of the Public and Sue Moffat ( Clerk).
Eton Rowing Lake – Cllr Harris reported that with the ease of lockdown due to Covid 19 there has been
a disastrous weekend for residents at Dorney with the number of visitors to the Lake and anti-social
behaviour ensued by some. However, thanks to the help of Cllr Dev Dhillon and parish councillors a
meeting was held with Eton College and the matter has been resolved by closing the Lake so Dorney can
get back to normal. A further meeting will be held next week to discuss the way forward. Martyn
Westcott asked about the resurfacing of Village Road as discussed at the last Council meeting, but Cllr
Dev Dhillon had no further updates. Martyn went on to thank Dorney Parish Council for their efforts to
control the Eton Lake debacle over the past few weeks but asked, now that the Lake is closed, at what
stage will local residents be able to use the footpaths. Cllr Harris responded that the Lake will not be
opened until September once the site has been secured. Dorney PC recognised there would be some
inconvenience to local residents, but closure was necessary to ensure Dorney Reach is kept accessible
during the closure of Marsh Lane bridge. There will be inconvenience but there are other footpaths to the
River and Jubilee River. There was a suggestion of a compromise by opening the footpaths at certain
times during the day for local residents but this was thought not to be feasible. Cllr Dev Dhillon was
pleased that the Lake is closed and also that there will be regular follow up meetings. Cllr Harris
understands that the closure is a difficult situation but better than the inconvenience caused by all the
visitors to the Lake over the last few weeks. He will, together with Cllr Purdie and Cllr Foxley who also
attend, will look after the interest of the residents at the coming meetings. He did not know what type of
temporary fencing is being erected to secure the site but this had to happen quickly. Permanent fencing
will go through the planning process and Dorney PC will be consulted. Louise Whaley will send details
of a local fencing company in Dorney Reach.
The question of reducing the speed limit from 40 to 30 mph was raised again. Cllr Dev Dhillon responded
that he will discuss this with the Traffic Manager when business gets back to normal so he does have this
in hand.
Cllr Dev Dhillon reported:- (i) Issues have been raised by the Planning Inspectorate regards the
emerging new Local Plan and there was concern regards the lack of co-operation with Slough Borough
Council. With the proposal in the Local Plan of Dorney Reach being taken out of Green Belt, he would
suggest Dorney should have a parish plan in place to offer protection. Cllr Smith offered to consider this;
(ii) Concern was raised by the destruction of the environment with the Marsh Lane bridge renewal and all
the Smartmotorway works, but Cllr Dev Dhillon responded that Highways England will reinstate the area,
not only Dorney but all the villages that have been affected by the works. Cllr Foxley also confirmed that
Highways England have promised a higher noise barrier, noise reduction surface and a full planting
(i) Work in Local Government does move slowly, particularly now having to cope with Covid 19,
scheme, details of which can be found on their web site.
Cllr Pepler reported:- so must be patient. The Smartmotorway works will not go on for ever and
Dorney will be restored; (ii) Burnham tip has now been re-opened since the closure due to Covid 19; (iii)
Some steps will be taken regards the breach of planning rules at Orchard Herb Farm.
17 Apologies- None.
18 Disclosure of interest in items on the agenda – None.
19 Resolved to receive and approve the minutes of the previous meeting Council held on the 12
th May 2020.
20 Clerk’s Report – None.
21 Chairman’s Report – Cllr Harris reported that after the Eton Lake saga, he does appreciate the footpaths
are an important asset to locals and he would reassure the community that he will look after the interests of
22 Update on M4Smartmotorway works – Cllr Harris asked for Highways England to sweep Lake End Road
right up to Court Lane. Also an inquiry was made about the monitoring of noise, dust and vibration levels
during the Smartmotorway works. The Clerk will investigate.
23 To respond to the Emergency Plan – Cllr Smith reported that he has looked at the guidance for parish
councils to prepare an Emergency Plan and he has just circulated a synopsis of his proposals which will be
considered and then discussed at the next Council meeting.
24 To consider installing double yellow lines along the LHS of Court Lane going toward the Rowing Lake.
This matter has been deferred until the Clearway has been lifted.
25 To make a decision about pursuing the installation a roundabout at the junction of Village Rd/Lake End
Rd/Court Lane. It was agreed that Dorney PC should pursue this proposal. Cllr Dev Dhillon promised to take
this proposal, together with a Speeding Review, to Cllr Antony, Chairman of the Community Board, as soon
as meetings commence.
26 Red telephone box Harcourt Road – Agreed to pay £120 to have the red telephone box repainted in
Harcourt Road
27 Planning
(a) Planning issues, decisions and appeals recently notified by South Bucks District Council were noted.
(b) No comments required as no applications received.
28 End of Year Accounts – Deferred until the July meeting. This year there has been an extension due to Covid
19, and the accounts have to be submitted by end of August.
29 Finance
a) Resolved to authorise payment of Accounts for June 2020 – Agreed.
b) Resolved to receive list of income for June 2020 – Noted.
c) The bank statement for May 2020 – Noted.
d) Resolved to receive the budget for 2020/21. Cllr Ormond reported that this year there will be a deficit of
£3k. The budget does include £2k for a planning consultant which may not be needed if the Local Plan is
withdrawn and £933 for election expenses which will now not take place. Lastly a saving of £275 will be made
as no longer hiring the Village Hall this year. However, these savings will transfer to next year and there will
be an estimated shortfall of £4k. This deficit over the last few years has mainly been caused by the reduction in
Devolved Highways income from Bucks CC from £8k to £2018 plus the repayment of the grant for Dorney
Village Hall. Over the last 7 years, the precept has only been increased at inflation level but may need to increase
this in the future to ensure there is no shortfall. Also, there is still the £5k donation to be paid to Bucks Council
for the double yellow lines.
e) To consider purchasing litter pickers to make available to volunteers. Cllr Foxley has litter pickers available
for the Village Clean up which can be borrowed. Cllr Dax offered to write to Environment Agency for signs
advising people to take their rubbish home with them. Cllr Harris will ask Cllr Dev Dhillon for rubbish bags
and to let him know if more litter pickers are required.
30 Member’s Reports – None.
31 Correspondence – SmartMotorway Updates.
32 Resolve any complaints/comments received from residents – (i) The Clerk reported that there has been
a number of complaints about the chaos caused with the large amount of visitors to the Rowing
33 Grounds maintenance Cllr Foxley thanked the groundsman for the good job getting rid of all the litter
caused by the visitors to the Rowing Lake.