
Finance Committee Minutes November 2020

Finance Committee Minutes Uploaded on November 30, 2020

Minutes of the VIRTUAL meeting of Dorney Parish Council Finance Committee held on Tuesday 10th November 2020 at 9.40pm.
Present: Cllrs R Ormond (Chairman), K Harris, A Foxley, A Purdie, P Smith, J Dax and C Stoughton.
In attendance: S Moffat (Clerk).
Part I
1. Apologies for absence – None.
2. Disclosure of interest in items on the agenda- Cllr Foxley declared an interest in matters pertaining to Dorney
Village Hall being a member of the DVH Management Committee.
3. Budget 2020/2021 – to monitor, review and approve figures to 10
th November 2020 (as circulated) –
Cllr Ormond reported that as at the 30th October there was £40,664 in the bank. This will reduce to
£26,610.16 by the end of the financial year if the remainder of expenditure is in line with the
forecasted budget.
4. Budget 2021/2022– to review the draft budget and to resolve any amendments/additions.
The proposed budget was discussed and it was agreed that £1000 additional expenditure was needed for IT
support and an additional £300 for a new laptop for the Clerk. It was noted that election expenses of £933
have been included for elections next May and there is no longer any income from Dorney Village Hall
Committee’s contribution towards Village upkeep costs.
5. Precept- Resolved to recommend a precept of £25,000 to be agreed at the Council meeting in December
2020. This is a 7.6% increase from this year’s precept of £23,222.
6. Internal Auditor for 2020/2021 – Resolved that the present internal auditor, Euan MacClennan, can no
longer act independently for the Parish Council as he has a conflict of interest being a member of Dorney
Village Hall Committee.
7. Risk Assessment – Resolved to approve the risk assessment.
8. Insurance – to review the level of insurance and ensure that the Council is adequately covered (as
circulated with the agenda). Resolved that there is adequate insurance for the Council.
9. Asset Register – Resolved to approve the asset register with both defibrillators belonging to Dorney Parish
10. Standing Orders – Resolved to adopt the amended Standing Orders as updated to reflect the Model
Standing Orders 2019 as recommended by NALC.
11. Financial Regulations – Resolved to approve the Council’s financial regulations and that they are adequate
for the Council’s current needs.
12. Defibrillator Fridge Magnets – Agreed to spend £250 out of general funds.
13. Insurance Claim for Solar Panelled VAS by cattle grid which was destroyed by vehicle accident