Minutes of the VIRTUAL meeting of Dorney Parish Council Finance Committee held on Tuesday 10th November 2020 at 9.40pm.
Present: Cllrs R Ormond (Chairman), K Harris, A Foxley, A Purdie, P Smith, J Dax and C Stoughton.
In attendance: S Moffat (Clerk).
Part I
1. Apologies for absence – None.
2. Disclosure of interest in items on the agenda- Cllr Foxley declared an interest in matters pertaining to Dorney
Village Hall being a member of the DVH Management Committee.
3. Budget 2020/2021 – to monitor, review and approve figures to 10
th November 2020 (as circulated) –
Cllr Ormond reported that as at the 30th October there was £40,664 in the bank. This will reduce to
£26,610.16 by the end of the financial year if the remainder of expenditure is in line with the
forecasted budget.
4. Budget 2021/2022– to review the draft budget and to resolve any amendments/additions.
The proposed budget was discussed and it was agreed that £1000 additional expenditure was needed for IT
support and an additional £300 for a new laptop for the Clerk. It was noted that election expenses of £933
have been included for elections next May and there is no longer any income from Dorney Village Hall
Committee’s contribution towards Village upkeep costs.
5. Precept- Resolved to recommend a precept of £25,000 to be agreed at the Council meeting in December
2020. This is a 7.6% increase from this year’s precept of £23,222.
6. Internal Auditor for 2020/2021 – Resolved that the present internal auditor, Euan MacClennan, can no
longer act independently for the Parish Council as he has a conflict of interest being a member of Dorney
Village Hall Committee.
7. Risk Assessment – Resolved to approve the risk assessment.
8. Insurance – to review the level of insurance and ensure that the Council is adequately covered (as
circulated with the agenda). Resolved that there is adequate insurance for the Council.
9. Asset Register – Resolved to approve the asset register with both defibrillators belonging to Dorney Parish
10. Standing Orders – Resolved to adopt the amended Standing Orders as updated to reflect the Model
Standing Orders 2019 as recommended by NALC.
11. Financial Regulations – Resolved to approve the Council’s financial regulations and that they are adequate
for the Council’s current needs.
12. Defibrillator Fridge Magnets – Agreed to spend £250 out of general funds.
13. Insurance Claim for Solar Panelled VAS by cattle grid which was destroyed by vehicle accident