
Parish Council Minutes October 2021

Monthly Minutes Uploaded on October 25, 2021



Cllr. Jill Dax (Chair)          Cllr. Martyn Westcott-Wreford Cllr. Stephen Baker                  Cllr. Robert Stopford

County Cllr. Paul Kelly       Cllr. Anna Palmer (joined on ZOOM)

Ms Ruth Senior (Parish Clerk) and seven members of the public (including four via zoom)

Open Forum

Ewan Larcombe presented his views against the proposed pipeline across Dorney common from the Slough Treatment Works.

Lyndsey Oliver, representing the Playground Trustees, informed the Parish Council of the Trustees decision to all step down from their role as Trustees of the Playground Charity by end March 2022 and a letter will be forthcoming in this regard. The Chair advised that the Parish Council will await all details relating to this matter.

PC/42/21 Apologies for absence

Cllr. Euan MacLennan

PC/43/21 To confirm the minutes of the Meeting held on 21st September 2021

These were approved with no amendments required and signed by the Chairman. There were no matters arising.

PC/44/21 Co-option of councillor

No candidate has come forward. The available position was recently advertised in the Dorney Parish News.

PC/45/21 Items of business carried forward

45.1        The Orchard Herbs Site

Cllr. Stopford updated on the clearance of the site and the hotel plans. It was agreed that the Clerk will respond to Mitchel Pugh to express the Council’s disappointment of the delays following his latest update email.

Historic England have responded and stated they do not think the hotel development will impact on St James’s or Dorney Court however the planning decision is on hold, still awaiting a response from Transport for Bucks.

45.2        M4 Smart Motorway

Nick Cooper and Jim Stacey joined on ZOOM to update on the M4 project.

The whole project is expected to be completed in around 6 months. Work to barriers, fencing and village hall entrance will take place in January. The plans for Glebe Close have been agreed and scheduled for end November.   Bridge landscaping on Marsh Lane and Lake End Road will begin in November. There will be another Lake End Road closure (scheduled for 5 days in January) to replace the expansion joints in the bridge. The Parish Council requested advanced notice and correct signage.

45.3        The Emergency Plan

Cllr. Palmer updated on the Emergency Plan progress. It was agreed that the Parish Council should have a form on the website and ask for people to register how they could personally help in an emergency (Doctors, nurses etc). When this is up and running it should be advertised on Nextdoor and Dorney Parish News to raise awareness. The Emergency Plan should be finalised by the end of 2021.

PC/46/21 Planning

Cllr. Stopford updated on 2 applications with nothing further to note.

PC/47/21 Finance – To agree/ratify expenditure and income to date

The cashbook was circulated prior to the meeting and approved.

The Clerk was thanked for setting up the new bank account which has made transactions much more efficient.

PC/48/21 To receive an update from Jack Pearce on the Community Board

Jack Pearce from Buckinghamshire Council updated on the Community Board. There are 16 across the county, Dorney is in Beeches. The aim of the Community Board is to bring the Council together with local groups. There are 4 actions groups within the Board – Infrastructure & Highways, Economic Recovery, Improving Environment and Wellbeing. The Board has £280k to allocate to local projects this year. For more information anyone is welcome to the Community Board meetings (the next is online on 28th October) or to sign up to the newsletter.

PC/49/21 To discuss the upgrade of the Slough Treatment Works and the impact on Dorney

Local residents should be receiving a letter explaining the plans from Thames Water this week. The plan is to put in a pipeline from the Treatment works under Roundmoor Ditch and Dorney Common leading excess water to the Thames. Cllr. Dax, Cllr. Westcott-Wreford and Cllr. Stopford attended a zoom presentation on the project and it was agreed that the Clerk will write to Thames Water for explanations on; why the pipeline across the land to the Thames and not to the Jubilee River which is much closer and what will their plan be for the heavy works traffic and machinery in and out of Dorney and Security on the Common.

The Parish Council do acknowledge the need for the upgrade to the Works due to rising population.

PC/50/21 To consider speeding issues around the village

Cllr. Westcott-Wreford is in the process of downloading and analysing the data from the 2 speed signs in Dorney and will report back in the January meeting.

PC/51/21 To consider parking issues around the village

It was agreed this item will be reviewed again in January when we have seen the full impact of Dorney Lake opening.

PC/52/21 Update from Thames Water on rewilding project in the Thames Water field on Marsh Lane

Thames Water are planning a wildflower and tree planting project on this land which will remain fenced but open to locals to enjoy. The planting is due to commence at the end of November with help from Maydencroft for bigger planting but Thames Water would love local volunteers for the wildflower planting.

PC/53/21 To consider options for  potholes (particularly  Boveney Rd) and re-surfacing around the village

County Cllr. Sandy is chasing an update on the resurfacing plans for Lake End Rd, Marsh Lane and Village Rd, that were initially raised in November 2020. County Cllr. Kelly agreed to raise this at the Local Area Technician meeting and advised to keep reporting potholes on Fix My Street and copy in the County Councillors.

PC/54/21 To consider issues relating to the cattle grid

It was agreed that the Clerk should respond to Keith Dolan as the Parish Council do not agree with the response from him on the cattle grid as there is clearly a failing with half of the grid.

PC/55/21 Gulley clearance in Dorney

There is no update on this, it was agreed that the Clerk will chase.

PC/56/21 To consider any complaints/comments from residents

There were none to report.

PC/57/21 To review any matters relating to the Groundsman/Maintenance

The Clerk confirmed that the Groundsman will be off for the next month but as it is end of growing season, there will hopefully be nothing too urgent however should anything need attention we will appoint a local contractor temporarily.

PC/58/21 Items to consider for discussion at the next meeting on 16th November 2021

Cllr. Dax has sourced lamp post poppies for Dorney, these will go up on 30th Oct and come down 20th Nov.

County Cllr. Kelly reported that Sergeant Rachel Dale from Taplow Police Station has asked if parishes can collate and ongoing issues that the police should be aware of to forward to her.

Meeting ended at 9.01pm

 Chairman …………………………………………………… Date ………………………………….