
Finance Committee Minutes November 2019

Finance Committee Minutes Uploaded on November 30, 2019

Minutes of the meeting of Dorney Parish Council Finance Committee held at Dorney Village Hall on
Tuesday 12th November 2019 at 9.30pm.
Present: Cllrs R Ormond (Chairman), K Harris, A Foxley, A Purdie, P Smith J Dax and C Stoughton.
In attendance: S Moffat (Clerk).
Part I
1. Apologies for absence – None.
2. Disclosure of interest in items on the agenda- Cllr Foxley declared an interest in matters pertaining to Dorney
Village Hall being a member of the DVH Management Committee.
3. Budget 2019/2020 – to monitor, review and approve figures to 12th November 2019 (as circulated) –Noted
and approved.
Budget 2020/2021– to review the draft budget and to resolve any amendments/additions. It was noted that
Dorney Village Hall has now paid off their loan so there is no longer the need for Dorney Parish Council to
act as guarantor. It was agreed to ask DVH Management Committee to increase the charge for grounds
maintenance from £1250 to £1500 or alternatively for the charge to remain at £1250 and DVH to reduce
the room hire from £250p.a. to £0. Our newly appointed DVH representative, Cllr Stoughton, will pose this
question at the next DVH Management Committee meeting. It was also agreed to remove the election costs
of £933 as it is highly unlikely to be a contested election in Dorney
Resolved to recommend to Council a budget showing a 3% increase or £676.38 in precept to cover
inflation and to maintain reserves.
4. Precept- Resolved to recommend a precept of £23,222 to be agreed at the Council meeting in December
2019. This is a 3% increase from this year’s precept of £22,546.
5. Internal Auditor for 2019/2020 – Resolved to appoint Euan MacClennan as the internal auditor.
6. Risk Assessment – Resolved to approve the risk assessment after reducing ‘Business Interruption’ from
Medium to Low risk.
7. Insurance – to review the level of insurance and ensure that the Council is adequately covered (as
circulated with the agenda). Resolved that there is adequate insurance for the Council.
8. Asset Register – Resolved to approve the asset register
9. Financial Regulations – Resolved to approve the Council’s financial regulations and that they are adequate
for the Council’s current needs.
10. Grant a donation of £200 to Dorney News – It was noted that the Editor no longer requires a grant due
increased income and cut in production costs by changing the printer and production process.