The information on this subject is shown in reverse date order (when possible) below. It should be noted that these are not necessarily the dates they were received by the Parish Council, especially the reports:
The proposed roundabout is at the junction of Court Lane, Village Road and Lake End Road.
The original junction (pre 2012 Olympics and M4 bridge closure periods) was a T junction with the primary flow up and down the B3026 (Village Road/Lake End Road) and Court Lane being the secondary road of the T junction.
Dorney Parish Council Meeting: 20 July 2021: Item 4.1. The consultation relating to Dents Corner [Roundabout or T Junction].
Results of the Consultation (1-15 July 2021) amongst Residents who are on the Electoral Roll
Residents were asked to indicate which of the following choices would they prefer:
- Change the junction to a mini-roundabout.
- Reinstate the original T Junction.
There are 595 residents on the Dorney Parish Electoral Roll.
234 of these residents (39.3%) indicated a preference by completing the survey on the Dorney Parish Council website (which sent a private email directly to the Clerk’s email address), by emailing the Clerk directly or by posting their preference directly to the Locum Clerk’s home address.
168 residents (71.8%) indicated a preference to reinstate the original T junction.
66 residents (28.2%) indicated a preference to change the junction to a mini-roundabout.
The full results of the consultation are shown in the PDF file below, excluding names but including postcodes.
DPC Consultation Results Roundabout or T Junction JUL21
15 June 2021: Dorney Parish Council Meeting: 4.1.1 The Chair confirmed a letter had been sent to the Community Board and a response received which would be put up on the new website. They appear to have taken the Council’s concerns on board regarding the types of vehicles that would need to use the proposed roundabout and said the final decision on what happens at that site depended on the Parish Council. As the issue had proved controversial, she proposed a consultation survey take place to all the Dorney electorate asking simply if they want a roundabout or the return to the T junction. This would be hand delivered on an A5 sheet showing the design of the roundabout and conducted through survey monkey with a closing date in July.
4.1.2 Following debate it was noted that Bucks Council had not confirmed that they would restore the T junction. Concerns were raised that if Bucks Council pursued the cheapest option the road layout could be left as it was. It was noted that Eton College had not been consulted. It was also noted that lamppost LP04 seemed to be growing out of the roots of an old tree and would need dealing with. The Chair commented that the proposal had been an ‘arm-chair’ exercise by Bucks Council and many issues with the proposed lighting would need resolving. It was agreed to proceed with the consultation noting that A4 size paper would make it easier to view the plans.
4.1.3 Alice Foxley asked if Bucks Council agreed the design was unsafe. The Chair confirmed the question had been asked but the response had been that the implementation of the roundabout was not about safety and they hadn’t commented. Their response would be placed on the website shortly. James Palmer noted that if the T junction were reinstated then Balfour Beatties’ expression of interest to offer to help fund the roundabout would need revisiting to see if they would help fund another project. Cllr. MacLennan also queried what would happen to Eton College’s £5,000 funding. The Chair believed that Eton College’s funding had already been committed and used in the design and audit process with a view to going towards the heritage lighting which was unfortunate.
10 June 2021: Dorney Parish Council response to Beeches Community Board letter of 1 June 2021.
DPC Reply to Beeches Letter of 01JUN21 10JUN21
1 June 2021: Beeches Community Board response to Dorney Parish Council
Letter from Beeches Community Board re Court Lane Mini-Roundabout 1 June 2021
18 May 2021: Dorney Parish Council: Letter to Beeches Community Board confirming the resolutions agreed on this matter at the DPC meeting – 11 May 2021
DPC Letter to Beeches Community Board re Roundabout Safety Issues 18MAY21
7 May 2021: Dorney Traffic Working Group: Assessment of Road Safety Audit, the Response and the Motion report for DPC meeting
Roundabout DTWG Road Safety Audits Indep Report Combined 07MAY21
4 April 2021: Motion: Independent Report on Roundabout commissioned by James Palmer
John Russell, Motion-Mini-Roundabout Report 2021-04-09
17 March 2021: Bucks Council: Response to Road Safety Audit
9 March 2021: Dorney Parish Council: The recent history of the roundabout.
9 March 2021: Dorney Parish Council: Statement made at beginning of the parish council meeting on 9 March 2021 regarding the roundabout
9 March 2021: Beeches Community Board: Letter from the Chairman regarding the roundabout
7 March 2021: Dorney Traffic Working Group: Comment on Process undertaken by Bucks Council to date
26 February 2021: Dorney Parish Council: Letter from resident with DPC responses
17 February 2021: Bucks Council: Road Safety Audit
Full Safety Audit Report_Redacted 17FEB21
18 November 2020: Beeches Community Board: Funding Report
Supplement Proposed Roundabout on Lake End Road Dorney 18112020
16 October 2020: Bucks Council: Roundabout Lighting Scheme (draft)