Council Members

Robert Stopford


Finance Committee: Member


With my father being in the Royal Navy, my early years were spent travelling the world and less glamorous places on the south coast. Indeed, unbeknownst to either of us at the time, I first met my wife as a child in Gibraltar.  My first real home was Dorney when my parents, with their four children, moved here in 1970, to our current home in Lake End Road. I left in the 1980’s to live in London, returning regularly to visit family and for family events. In 2013 we had the opportunity to return permanently, which my wife and I, together with our two children, grabbed with open arms. We have never looked back and love living in Dorney.

I work a for a small British company in the Broadcast business based in Ely. When not travelling (in the days before Covid struck), mainly to the Far East, I work from home. That gives me the benefit of being exposed to some of the problems the village is having to address on a day-to-day basis.

As a Parish Councillor, I hope I can help address some of the issues that face us as a community. I am passionate about trying to maintain the uniqueness of Dorney as well as keen that the Parish Council keeps the local residents aware of issues and where necessary consults them about plans.

You can find me most mornings walking our lockdown puppy, Ottie, along the Roundmoor Ditch and Jubilee River. Most weekends are spent in the garden or in the greenhouse trying to grow the hottest chillies, preferably listening to the cricket or rugby depending on the season.